Continuing Education

Past and Upcoming

One of the cornerstones of KHS is our commitment to offering up-to-date continuing education as well as competition level training.

Throughout the curricular year, we coordinate and offer numerous educational events, featuring the industry’s most respected clinicians. Our clinics, Kentucky_Horseshoeing_School_2757-001designed for both farriers and veterinarians, draw practitioners from around the country and around the globe, providing them and our currently enrolled students with valuable insight and contacts within the professional community.

Additionally, we custom design individual clinics and independent study programs for those desiring hands-on assistance for specific concerns in a one-on-one setting.

As proponents of continuing education and advancement of the farrier profession, we support the American Farrier’s Association and their voluntary certification program. To that end, we coordinate with the American Farrier’s Association to offer a number of AFA approved educational workshops and certifications each year.

KHS continually strives to be at the forefront of farrier education. Our goal is to keep you ahead of the increasing demands you face as a professional in the rapidly growing equine industry.

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